5 Ways to Really Enjoy Family Time

My son asked me this week: Mom why are you so tired?
For starters I am a mother, a wife, a full-time teacher, a personal chef (for my family), a cab driver, an administrative assistant, an entrepreneur, etc… In short, I am tired, a lot.
Even though I manage all these things it should not keep me away from my family.
When I am with them I want them to know I am there, I want them to know that I am listening, I want them to know that I care.
Here are a few things that I do that keeps me close to my family and maximize the time we spend together and make these moments memorable.

1. Go offline. Literally put down the phone, tablets, TV. There are way too many distractions that can keep us all away. I used to be more conscious of this and I’ve noticed that the tired I am the more I want to just plug-in because it makes me numb. If you want to maximize your family time, just unplug. Simple as that….

2. Read a book together: Reading is such an engaging activity. It engages the mind. It boosts vocabulary. Heck, reading is fun! Enjoy a good book with your kids!

3. Go for a walk. This past week I was reading an article about what going on a hike does to your brain. I was pretty amazed. Going for a walk is relaxing. Many times getting me out of the house is just plain annoying, I am a home body, I like to stay in my PJ’s and just be home; but once I get outside and get into nature I get so excited. It is good for you, good for your brain and you will be able to enjoy your family’s company. Talk about the weather, about what you see and pretty soon you will rediscover the beauty of just spending time with the ones you love. (http://www.lifehack.org/363786/doctors-agree-hiking-good-for-your-mental-health)

4. Paint. Yes, painting is messy especially when you have little ones. However, it is so much fun. My kids absolutely love it! They can sit and paint for hours. I take out canvas for each one of us and we just enjoy sitting together and laughing and trying to figure out our paintings. I am a kind of abstract girl when it comes to the art, nonetheless I am always proud of the end results.

5. Dance. Yes, turn on your favorite playlist and just twirl around the living room. Dance with your kids, teach them some moves. Even if you just look like a tree swinging in the wind. Share some laughs, move that body.

One of the things I have discovered is that no matter what you are doing if you show your family that love is unconditional, they will learn that you will be there through thick and thin. You will learn to rely more on each other. Being together is a gift. It should not be taken lightly. Find a way, find sometime to enjoy your family even if you are tired and cranky and feeling the weight on your shoulder.
Time is ticking and each minute wasted is just that a waste. You do not need to have material possessions to spend time with your family. They need only your most precious possession, your time. Be present.

May you be empowered today!

P.S: Here are two of my favorite items from my Amazon Affiliate Store:

I absolute love this stroller. I can ride my bike and pull the kids or I can just strap them on and go for a walk. It is great for when they get tired.

I love my Tula. Great back support and I am able to carry my two-year old for hours! Great buy!


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