Back to school- must have- list

This morning I woke up inspired. My son will go back to school this week and I am excited about that.
I woke up inspired to tackle down the list of school supplies. Good thing I can count with Amazon Prime to deliver it all on time.. Some of these products I may have received a sample to try from Blogger Bash 2016. However, I am recommending these products because I really liked them and I am buying them for my own child to start the school year…. At the end of this article I have links to affiliate programs. You can purchase these products and I will receive a small percentage for linking them to you.

These opinions are my own based on my own experiences. You are welcome to check them out for yourselves.

Here it goes….
I absolutely love this Bixbee backpack and I love that when I buy from them they donate a backpack to kid in need. My daughter got one of their backpacks in our Sweet Suite 16 goodie box and she loves it! Of course the little man decided he needed one too….

So this was my choice….


Instead my son decided that his choice was better than mine, since he is the one who has to wear it for a whole year….. We love Bixbee Backpacks…  (Our backpack arrived and it is a bit smaller than I expected but the kids loved it so much we are keeping it for day trips instead of school)


For lunch choices…

I had gotten a sample from Sistema and we liked it so much we ended up going to @target and my husband and I got ourselves lunch boxes….


As I started to shop  for my son’s lunch box I found this item and I know he will love it. I love that Systema’s products are BPA free!!!

And this my friend is our choice for lunch boxes this year…. The Bento Box from Sistema…
I love how I can add different snacks/fruits and they are all separated until they are ready to eat. My son is very picky when it comes to his lunch and he loves  to eat food that has not touched other food.


For drinks I like the Drink in a Box by Presidio Design. I like it how easy they are to clean it. I hate when water bottles get yucky!!! They also sell the brushes to clean the bottle (WIN)!


For crayons….

I love Crayola and I love how they already have a K-2 pack already made it for me… Yes, people can argue that they can find a better price somewhere else but I don’t want to leave the house to go shopping today. I want to have it delivered to me… Therefore, I will pay for the services…..


A pouch for supplies:

First of all as a teacher and as a mom I love zipper pouches! This one is sturdy and big enough to fit everything we need made it by Zipit. It comes with a handle so it won’t fall as the little one walks to art class…. Love it! I had never heard of this company prior to shopping online and I am so glad I did I love their zip bags! 


Now last, but not least…. I am going to get this for my little one’s teacher


They use IPad’s in the classroom and one of the hardest thing to find time to do is to save all those memories from the year into the computer. The picture keeper connect allows IOS users to transfer their pictures directly from their device to the USB drive. Then, it is easy to just drop them in the correct files… Great to prepare yearbooks at the end of the year……


As my little one prepares for the beginning of the school year, I want to remind all parents just like me that it goes above and beyond the classroom.

We are the ones in charge of raising polite kids, kids who will respect teachers and staff at school.
All these new supplies will make their year sparkling beautiful but we are the ones in charge of teaching manners to our little ones; that they may be prepared on the inside as well as on the outside!
Spend quality time with your kids, they need it more than any cute supply.
Lead them by example. Be an adult who values people. Be your child’s superhero.

May your beginning of the year be marvelous!

Enjoy your last few days of summer break with the little one….

Happy shopping.

With love,


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