There is HOPE! How to drive away fear from our lives….

Today is Thursday and I love to think of Thursdays as a time to be Thankful!
Today I wanted to drive fear away, I was afraid of the future, I realized that there is hope!

Today though I was afraid. I felt fear lingering in my bones simply because I was scared of the future…

One of the things that can paralyse us from pursuing our dreams is fear.
The unknown is pretty scary, especially when there are others that depend on you. When you become a mother, a father, fear can almost stop you from living. You don’t even have to experience parenthood to feel Fear…

One of the things that can help you move forward is HOPE. In fact hope is the only thing that can keep you moving.
Whether you hope in your faith, whether you hope for a miracle. Hope is the only thing that can keep us going.

Webster’s dictionary describes hope as “to want or wish for with a feeling of confident expectation; a wish or desire accompanied by expectation of its fulfillment; something wished; one that gives cause for hope.

Only hope can help you move forward

Did you know?

The word hope is mentioned 180 times in the Bible. Sometimes us humans were asking for hope, sometimes we had lost hope, sometimes we questioned that hope.

Job, in the Bible talked about losing hope, and he asked where his hope was. When Job hoped for good, the opposite, evil came upon him.

In Psalm 25:3 the psalmist says: “No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause”.

In Psalm 33:18 says: “But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,”

Isaiah 40:31 says” “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Bible Verse

In life, trials come, to all of us. Each of us subjected to carry our own crosses. This past week, I had the opportunity to spend time with loved ones. I realized what I already knew, that each of us are fighting our own battles, in our minds our battles are bigger than our neighbors. However, when you are in the midst of tribulations you see yourself drowning within your own troubles, as a result we think the grass is greener on the other side. Sometimes, we forget to be kind to those who are drowning in theirs, maybe we think our problems are so big that we can extend a hand in love.

Can you relate?

My dear friends, I decided to write this today to you as a reminder. Even when you feel like you are drowning in your problems, in your sorrows. Take heart, have hope. You are not alone. We are not alone.
Hold your neighbor’s hand and be kind. Walk this journey together and hope for the best. Hope that things will somehow be ok.
Lately, I have been feeling that I am not enough, no matter how much I do, how much I give, I feel I am just not good enough. Even though my husband, my kids, my family, tells me I am enough, I have embraced myself in this lie that tells me daily I AM NOT ENOUGH.

The bucket stops here, therefore, I am enough, you are enough, we are enough.

Do not be afraid just be you! Wonderful you!

As a result let us write these words in the tablets of our hearts that we may not forget:  “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

Therefore my dear friends, let us be kind to one another. Remember you are not alone.
Your battles may be hard but they are temporary. Another day, will rise after dawn. As long as we are still breathing. There is HOPE. Those who HOPE, can still raise their heads and move forward.

Do not be discouraged, have faith, continue to HOPE. You are not alone.


Most of all Sophia James Education exists to promote the love of learning. We hope that through inspirational messages, through well planned lessons, through workshops and classes, we may inspire you and promote literacy throughout the world. We stop living when we stop learning, therefore we keep moving forward, one day at a time.

Sophia James Education!

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