Giving your children quality time they need…

Sometimes I am busy. Busy with things that are worthless and that in a few years won’t matter.

Minutes become hours, hours become days, days become weeks, weeks become months and month become years.

Having kids we can only live by the minute.

Time to change the diaper, time to nurse, nap time, tv time, reading time, play outside time, play inside time. A parent’s time revolve around their children.

When they start going to school it becomes time to get ready, breakfast time, time to go, make sure shoes are being worn correctly, make sure they have backpacks. Then, is get home time, homework time, bath time, dinner time, story time, bedtime.

By the time kids go to bed parents are usually worn out. So what can parents do to have a bit of sanity during those first few years?

The first thing is to have a routine. I can’t emphasize this enough. Kids respond well when they know what to expect. If there will be a change in their routine talk to them prior to the event.
I do not like the mentality that “kids should be seen not heard”. Kids have a voice, listen to them, we can learn a lot from the little ones.

Kids can not rationalize abstract concepts, therefore, give only two choices. Example: “you can either have milk or juice”. “You can only wear these pants or these pants”. By limiting their choices you are giving your child a voice while still teaching discipline.

Bedtime routines are absolutely important. In my house kids eat dinner, they take baths, then they drink milk while we sit in their room and read. After a few books it is bedtime. We pray and lay down. I usually lay with them and hold their hands. They usually fall asleep within 10 minutes if I sit there with them as oppose to 40 minutes if they stay there alone.

The first few years can be overwhelming but they go by so fast. My little one told me the other day that he didn’t need me to give him baths anymore now that he was a big kid.

My other little one 20 month old and said: “mom”,”mom”,”mom”,”mom”,”mom”,”mom”,”mom”,”mom”,”mom”,”mom”.
All the while tugging at my pants and staring at me. I finally look at her and said: “yes honey, what do you need?” She looked up, gave my leg a hug and said “I wove you”.

It melted my heart. It also made me realize did I really need to finish packing the lunch before looking at her and giving her the attention she needed?

Take it one day at a time; take a minute at a time; do something about it. They are only babies for a year. Toddler for two. Soon enough they will need you less and less. They will become their own person and engrained in them will be a little reflection of what you are to them!

Be blessed and be a blessing!
Love and be empowered!

Together we can achieve more!

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