Writer tips

Whom Do We Write for?

Today I sat here and I came to the conclusion that my life is too boring to be written about it. I debated with myself about the things that I am good at and I came to the conclusion that nothing really special popped up in my life worth other peoples reading time….

Yes, I am a teacher and yes, I inspire students. Inspiring is part of my genetic make up. It is impossible to be around me and not be inspired, however, it is not something I feel I can write about it, since I do not try to inspire I just do it, hence, the inability to write about it…

Then I thought, fashion….. That thought was just well….. I am a mom, I have a mom’ s body and that is the end of that thought… Well, that might actually be a good topic to write about: “Being happy with your body after certain accomplishments in life.” Well, I am ok not sharing about it…..

Then, I thought, I love writing about my faith and how it inspires me… Well, having a faith in today’s world is politically incorrect. Yes, you are entitled to have your faith as long as you do not share it with anyone, dare you write how God makes a difference in your life. You are practically banned from writing all together….

Then, I thought, I will write about education. Well, teachers are not taken serious, all the new laws about education were created by people who do not teach. All my readers would be people  whom just like me are tired of the system, yet,  wants to make a difference, regardless these new ineffective practices, fellow educators who will read my posts and think, “here goes another great idea but unfortunately no one listens”……

Then, I went on to write about raising children. Well, as a mom of two, I have way too many people who gives me “great” parenting advice, why not share the wealth…. Well, you see where this is going…..

I then thought why not share what is really upsetting me.. Is it that I feel that what I write does not matter? Is it that I feel I have nothing good to say? Is it that I feel insecure about my writing? Today, the only answer I have is that maybe I have not found my niche yet.  I have not found a subject that I feel is my calling….

My faith will always be part of me, I will always love teaching and do my best in it everyday. I will raise my kids to the best of my knowledge and I will listen to those around me for I know it truly takes a village, I will continue to better myself and always accept myself with respect, love and pride for all I have accomplished.

In time, I will find something that is truly inspiring and will be worth your reading time…. Until then, keep on reading as I find myself……

Part of becoming an aspiring author is understanding your audience. Yesterday, my mother of all people asked me who my audience is; Who do I write for?

In reality I write for myself. I write because I love to write things down.

I am not saying I shouldn’t spell check and even read it a couple of times before posting…. which lead me to think… (sometimes I am sitting here and writing and my children come by and I just get distracted and sincerely I get off task).

In order to understand my audience I had to think of who I was, or better, who I am….

I am a working mother. I choose to work because I really enjoy what I do. I enjoy serving a purpose on the road of life. Yes, it is a choice! I could easily stay home but I choose not.
There are days I feel guilty for my choices. I read about stay at home moms, I see them and sometimes I even get the stink eye for the choice I’ve made to work.

Well, I thought about this all night. Yes, I lost sleep over it.

Who do I write for? I write for people like me.
I write for working mothers who just like me, have ups and down. Women who loves to work, yet, loves their family. Women who try to make things a bit easier in order to maximize their time. Women who have to wear multiple hats in a very short of time.

Women who are strong and won’t cut short from their success both at home and at work.

Yes, it is tough being a working mother. It can be overwhelming when you have a deadline and your little one gets sick.

Or after a long day, all you want to do is lay on your couch, but you put yourself aside and you get home cook a really good meal to your kids and then you give them bath and spend next hour reading bedtime stories and just enjoying your little ones before they go to bed. Once they fall asleep you have to choose to either clean up the kitchen and whatever else needs to be done or just go to bed because you know at 5:00am they will be up and ready to go all over again.

I write to inspire those around me. I have my career which I take much pride in.

I have my husband and kids who are always there for me. Who are always ready to encourage me.

I have my faith whom it strengths me and is powerful to keep me going.

So, I write for you that like me would like your load to be a little lighter but would not change it for anything else.

With much love,


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