Good-Bye 2016… Hello 2017

The Year in Review As I See It..

Every year around the holidays, I wake up and realize how fast time went by.
It seems like just a moment ago, I had moved to Germany with a huge belly expecting our first baby. That was about 7 years ago.
Now, I look around and I have two little ones running around and having a blast.
As I look at this year in review I realize how time went by fast and how the choices I made this year shaped my life.

Last year, I started my healthy journey. I was feeling tired all the time and realized it was time to change my habits and I did it! I lost 35 lbs overall this year and I have kept them off. I went from a size 16 to a size 10. The journey is not over but I feel so much better. (I am not a health coach but I know some pretty amazing ones, if you are interested in changing your life, now is the time to do it! Send me a message and I will get you in touch with some pretty amazing coaches).

This year, I started the journey towards a Doctorate Degree. I believe in improving myself everyday and as an educator, I believe in the power of education. The process has been full of many hours of research, phone calls to friends seeking motivation, sleepless nights finishing projects. However, I do believe I am better for it! This is something I am not doing to show off to anyone, or to make more money in the job market. I am doing this to improve myself and nothing else!

As my dad always says: “What you learn, no one can ever take away from you”. I believe in that with all my heart so going to school is very important to me.
I am not an educational counselor, but in my years in education (I am acertified teacher) I have helped many of my friends complete applications for colleges; now they are certified professionals in their areas. If you are struggling in your educational journey and do not know where to start.. I will gladly help you out! Education is my passion.

This year I also lived out of my suitcase for about 120 days. What an experience. I realized that in life I am blessed to have what I do, but I don’t really need all I have. Do not get me wrong I am not becoming a minimalist by any means. I could not get rid of all my books, like EVER.

However, I have realized that I am blessed.

The night before Christmas, I put a couple of presents under the tree. My son came to me and said: “Mom, I noticed that there is no present for you under the tree, why?”
I went on to explain to him that I am not done packing the presents but truly I had just not bought anything for myself.

He said: “Mom, you don’t need any presents, you have us and we are your present!”
I said: “Well, you are right! Maybe you don’t need presents either since we have each other, right?”

With a smile on his face, he said: “Mom, you are right we can give those presents to other kids, you are the best present I could ever have” and he proceeded to take the presents and place them by the door.

I told him we could still keep the presents but on Christmas we would celebrate being together and a family and loving each other!

Isn’t that what is all about? Isn’t loving each other the best present we could ever have?

As I look around my house I see some toys spread on the ground, I see two kids playing with each other, I see friendship in the making.

I know life is not always perfect, my house may not always be spotless like I want; However, I know one thing is true though: “We are living together, loving each other, celebrating life, growing in wisdom, and there is no price tag on that”

As the end of the year approaches, this new year, we will do it all over again and we will rock at it!


Much love to y’all.




Posted in From Mom To Mom, Inspirational, Octopus Mom, Reaching Goals and tagged , , , .

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